Find My Bulbs LED Upgrade Service (Standard)

$55.00 each inc GST

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Need help finding LED bulbs for your Car?

There’s so much information out there on car bulb replacement, making finding LEDs for your specific car make and model means you can end up spending hours, days or even weeks trying to research all your bulbs and fittings.

If you’re short on time, can’t be bothered doing it yourself, or you have tried but your patience has worn thin, we can help!

Find My Bulbs is an LED Upgrade Service where we put together a list of car replacement bulbs for you based on your car Make, Model, Year and Series.

How it works

  1. Read our FAQs section below to make sure you understand what’s included and not included
  2. Add to cart and pay
  3. Reply to the Order Confirmation email with your Make, Model, Year and Series, plus a list of all the bulbs need replacing (ie dashboard, indicators, reverse lights etc,.)
  4. We do the research for you, and find the right bulbs – we email or call you if we have further questions.
  5. Within 10 business days, we email you a customised list of items for your vehicle, which you can then purchase from our shop


What if I need bulbs for more than one car?

If you need bulbs for more than one car you should buy one Find My Bulbs Service for each car.

What if I have a new, old or unique car?

If your vehicle is new to market (ie current year model) or a unique, vintage or imported vehicle we may need you to provide us with additional information to identify the bulbs, such as photos or measurements of existing bulbs and/or sockets.

What if you can’t find all the bulbs on my list?

With your co-operation, we should be able to locate all the bulbs. We might ask you to provide more information, photos or measurements of bulbs and sockets in order to figure it out.

Can you Find My Bulbs for a boat, caravan or any other purpose?

When car owners ask us to find LEDs it’s usually a big list, whereas boat and caravan owners are generally looking for a single bulb, and often already know what they are looking for.

Why haven’t you sent my custom list yet?!?!

In some cases, finding your bulbs may take more time, so we appreciate your patience. If you haven’t heard from us by day 10 send us a friendly email and we’ll send an ETA.

Do I have to buy items on the list?

Once we send your list of bulbs you don’t need to buy it straight away, or at all. Just come back when you’re ready to buy the bulbs.

If your requirements change and we need to do more searches, you will need to buy another Find My Bulbs Service. We do not refund if you don’t go ahead with the order, as this fee covers our time and work involved in locating the bulbs.

Does the service fee get credited against my order?

Our Find My Bulbs service covers our time researching each item, your order for the actual bulbs is completely separate and payable by you if you decide to go ahead and make a purchase.

Why should I pay for this service?

You may have already discovered in doing your own research, that there’s a lot of conflicting information out there; finding all the right bulbs for a specific vehicle takes time and effort.

The LED Shop Australia® decided to make the move to a DIY customer-service model so we can continue selling high-quality, LEDs at some of the lowest prices around.

Do you have a faster option?

If you need to identify your bulbs faster, buy our Find My Bulbs Premium  which allows a faster turnaround time of 2-5 business days, depending on your vehicle.